Monday, 11 December 2017

December 11

A marvelous Monday!

Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’ Canada. Then we had register followed by calendar, the weather and sharing our weekend news with Penguin.             

The students also practiced their ‘sleeping bunny’ position for Lock Down procedures.  

We then had recess followed by phonics where we discussed the phoneme ‘Xx’. Students then practiced their letter formation of letter ‘Xx’.

We then had Christmas Concert practice.

After that we had lunch and recess. Then, our afternoon began with a whole school Christmas Concert practice.

Our afternoon ended with recess followed by French with Mme. Viellenueve.

Key information:
-          Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 13th. Please arrive by 6:35pm.
-          PTA Christmas Lunch on Friday, December 15.
-          Birthday Circle on Friday, December 15.

Have a wonderful evening everyone,

Mrs. Orphanides