A fantastic Friday!
Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’Canada. Then
we had register followed by calendar, the weather and 100 days of school.
Next we had UOI where the
students continued presenting their summative projects.
After that we had recess followed by P.E with Miss. Cranfield and mathematics. In mathematics the students recapped the name and value of Canadian coins.
After that we had lunch and recess. Then, our afternoon began with Show and Tell and choosing. In Show and Tell students brought in items from home that reminded them of our phonemes from this week.
Our afternoon ended with recess followed by French with Mme. Viellenueve.
Key information:
- Crazy Hair Spirit Day on Tuesday, March 6th.
- St. Patrick’s Spirit Day on Thursday, March 8th.
- Birthday Circle on Friday, March 9th.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides