Wednesday, 20 June 2018

June 20

A wonderful Wednesday!

Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’Canada. Then we had register followed by the calendar, the weather and 100 days of school.

After that we had UOI where the students created animal masks.

We then had recess followed by IB binders. This is where the students reflected upon their work and selected pieces that they would like to store in their IB binder.

Our afternoon began with sorting followed by a surprise music class with Mrs. Demetriou.

We then had afternoon recess followed by French with Mme. Viellenueve.

Key information:
-          June 20 – Plastic bag needed
-          June 21 – Toy Day – Students are invited to bring a toy from home to share with the class.
-          June 22 – Last day of school – school ends at 12 noon.
-          June 22 – PYP Promotion Ceremony, 9 am.

Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides