Wednesday, 5 September 2018

September 05

A terrific Tuesday!

Our morning began with assembly where the students sang O’ Canada followed our first house game of the year!

We then came to the classroom where we took attendance, followed by calendar and 100 days of school.

After that the students completed the front cover of their IB binder and a portrait of themselves.

We then had snack and recess.

As a year group, the kindergarten students played a range of outdoor games with the parachute and bubbles.

After lunch the students had P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed by a circle time activity where students shared their birthdays.

Our day ended with recess followed by Daily 5 where we read ‘Franklin goes to School’.

Key information
-      Agendas sent home in agenda bag. Please return tomorrow.
-      Please ensure your child has a change of clothes in school.
-      PTA BBQ letter sent home, please return.

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Mrs. Orphanides