A wonderful Wednesday!
Our morning began with assembly where the students sang O’
Canada followed attendance, calendar and 100 days of school.
After that the students had mathematics where they began
learning how to count in 2s.
We then had snack and recess followed by phonics where the
students continued to explore the phoneme and grapheme of the letter ‘Ww’.
When we returned the students had gym with Ms. Cranfield followed
by phonics UOI where students practiced for student-led conference.
Our day ended with recess followed by Christmas Concert practice.
Key information
January Lunch forms send home, due December 11.
Scholastic flyers sent home, due December 10.
Please bring Christmas concert costume by
Thursday, December 6 and continue to practise the song.
Concert on Wednesday, December 12th.
Please bring an item for donation to the food bank as entry into the concert.
For more please see letter sent home.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Mrs. Orphanides