Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Tuesday, January 31

Day 8

Our morning began in mathematics where the students had to read and interpret graphs. They then had to write questions and true statements about the information shown.

After mathematics they had gym with Mr. H followed by journal. In journal the students wrote about their favourite extra-curricular activity and used writing conventions to ensure they included detail.
We then had first lunch and recess, followed by agendas, writing and UOI. In writing the students explored features of a letter.

In UOI the students were introduced to our fourth UOI topic ‘All for one and one for all!’. The students wrote definitions of key words, and wrote questions about what they would like to find out in this unit.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and house games.

Important Information:
- Poems sent home, students to begin memorizing.
- March Camp letter sent home. Please return as soon as possible if you are interested as places are allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Have a great evening everyone,

Miss Baimas 

Monday, 30 January 2017

Monday, January 30

Day 7

Our morning began in mathematics with the students conducted their own survey and displayed the results in a bar graph.

After mathematics the students had P.E with Mr. H, followed by Spellings (Lesson 17) and agendas.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music with Mr. Oliver and Grade 2 OJ.

After music we had UOI. In UOI we read the story ‘Hooway for Wodney Wat’ and discussed the Learner Profile ‘Risk-Taker’. The students then identified instances where they have been risk takers.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and writing. In writing we wrote a set of instructions for our favourite class game 'Heads Down Thumbs Up'.

Important Information:
- Oral Competition Letter sent home
- Optional: please help your child find a poem for the competition
- Message to parents:
Good afternoon SJA Parents,

As we work to ensure the safest and most efficient system for student drop off, we would like to send out a few reminders to SJA parents.
  • Kiss and Ride runs every day from 3:30 - 3:40pm.  Parents choosing to not participate in the Kiss and Ride program are asked to wait until 3:40 to enter into the school building.
  • Parents wishing to sign their child(ren) out early may do so up until 3:20pm.  Parents may enter through the front door to sign out their child(ren).
  • Any parents entering through the front door after 3:20 will be asked to wait at the front until their child can be called down via the PA system.  This will help to keep the hallways cleared for dismissal and for Kiss and Ride.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping to keep our afternoon dismissal as safe and efficient as possible.

Best regards,
Carrie Nelson, BA (Hons), M.Ed, OCT

Have a great evening everyone,
Miss Baimas

Friday, 27 January 2017

Friday, January 27

Day 6

Our morning began with our spelling test and agendas.

We then had P.E. with Mr. H, followed by UOI. In UOI the students presented their summative presentations.
Our summative project presentations also continued after first lunch and recess.



Our day ended with second lunch and recess, French with Mlls. Jessica and circle time where we revealed and thanked our Colourful Friend.

Important Information:

- Re-registration due Feb 09, 2017.

- SJA Oral Competition is approaching. Students will be required to recite a poem for a Grade group competition. The winner from our Grade will move forward to the finals. This weekend, please help your child find a poem that they would like to recite. Please bring the poem for Monday.

- Cultural artifacts sent home. Thank you all for sharing them with us! (:

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Miss Baimas