A fantastic Friday!
Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’Canada. Then
we had register followed by calendar, the weather and 100 days of school.
Next we had mathematics where the students used their number
sense knowledge to order numerals from biggest to smallest.
After that we had recess followed by our Show and Tell and
UOI. In Show and Tell students brought in items from home that reminded them of
our phonemes from this week.
The students then used their knowledge of phonemes and graphemes to spell CVC words!
In UOI the students continued discussing the importance of
brushing their teeth. They then sequenced pictures to show their understanding
of how to brush.
After that we had lunch and recess. Then, our afternoon
began with P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed by Daily 5 and a class treat.
Our afternoon ended with recess followed by French with Mme.
Key information:
Apple Orchard Trip next Wednesday
Please ensure that your child has 3 pairs of
shoes in school: black dress shoes, gym shoes and outdoor shoes. This is
especially important due to the change in weather.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides