A fantastic first day in SK!
Our morning began with assembly where the students sang O’ Canada.
We then came to the classroom where we took attendance and
the students introduced themselves.
The students then met Penguin, who was
feeling shy, and they made him feel welcome by introducing themselves.
The students then had choosing before having a snack and
After recess the students went on a tour of the school.
They then designed their names for display before lunch.
After lunch the students had P.E with Miss. Cranfield. We
then had Daily 5 where we read ‘Welcome to Kindergarten’.
Our day ended with recess followed by French with Mme.
Key information
Agendas sent home in agenda bag. Please return
Please ensure your child has a change of clothes
in school.
A great first day in SK! Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Mrs. Orphanides.