Another great day in SK!
Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’ Canada,
learnt about our IB learner profiles and attitudes, and played a house game.
Next we completed a ‘First Day of Senior Kindergarten’
activity where the students drew their self-portraits.
We then had recess followed by an outdoor activity. The students
were joined by the JK students and completed a series of team building
activities which they loved!
After that the students were given an opportunity to finish
off any incomplete work before having lunch and recess.
Our afternoon began with P.E with Miss. Cranfield (
https:// lcranfieldthemaplesschool. followed
by Daily 5.
We then had afternoon recess followed by snack and circle
Key information:
Email sent home regarding PTA BBQ. Please join
us on September 13th!
Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides