A wonderful Wednesday!
Our morning began with
assembly where we sang O’Canada. Then we had register followed by the calendar,
the weather and 100 days of school.
Next we had mathematics
where the students completed activities related to our unit ‘Number Sense’.
that we had recess followed by phonics and UOI. In phonics the students
practiced their letter formation of letter ‘Kk’.
In UOI the students explored the healthy habit of a ‘washing’.
As a class they discussed ‘germs’ and the importance of washing our hands
regularly. Then the students completed an experiment where they will observe
the impact of germs using 3 slices of bread. The 1st slice was
placed into a zip lock bag. The 2nd slice was touched by all of the
students. The 3rd slice was sneezed upon. The students will watch to
see how the bread is affected by the germs.
Our afternoon began with P.E with Miss.
Cranfield followed by Daily 5.
We then had afternoon recess followed by music with Miss.
Key information:
November lunch form due October 23rd.
Reading Books reminder – please return your
child’s reading books on their ‘Read with Teacher’ day.
A message from the principle:
Thank you to our PTA for organizing this terrific fundraiser.
Funds raised will directly benefit the educational and social experience of
your child at The Maples Academy.
A great gift, or for yourself, for money you would be spending
anyway on groceries, gas, etc.
Here's how it works and how you and your child(ren) can start
fundraising now!
1. Head over to www.fundscrip.com
2. Click on “support a group”
3. Type in the Maples School code - XZH7XD
4. Take 30 seconds to create a quick profile
5. Login to your new profile and go to ordering site
6. Start ordering gift cards to places you would shop anyway. Gift
cards are available for 159 Ontario retailers - including most Ontario grocery
stores and gas stations
(NOTE: The Maples PTA kindly asks that you choose Electronic Funds
Transfer or online banking bill payment option, as the fundraiser loses 1.99%
of the earnings when paid with Credit Card)
Thanks for supporting The Maples PTA!
Mr. Greg Playford
Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides