Wednesday, 1 November 2017

November 1

A wonderful Wednesday!

Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’ Canada and learnt about this month’s IB learner profile and attitude ‘Thinker’ and ‘Curious’.

After that we had by the calendar, the weather, 100 days of school and mathematics. In mathematics the students discussed the layout of a bar chart and sorted ‘Fuzzy Bugs’ on the white board.

We then had recess followed by phonics where we discussed the phoneme ‘Rr’. Students then practiced their letter formation of letter ‘Rr’.
After that we had UOI where the students worked in partners to present their summative projects  and provide feedback to one another.

Our afternoon began with P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed by Daily 5.

We then had afternoon recess followed by music with Miss. Elliot.

Key information:
-          Christmas Basket Donation due November 3rd.
-          Please read with your child each night and make a log in your child’s agenda.

Have a wonderful evening everyone,

Mrs. Orphanides