Wednesday, 8 November 2017

November 8

A wonderful Wednesday!

Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’ Canada. Then we had register followed by calendar, the weather and 100 days of school.

Next we had mathematics where there students completed a pictograph. The students surveyed their peers to find out their favourite fruit and made a record on their graph..

We then had recess followed by phonics where we continued to explore the phoneme ‘Bb’.

After that we had UOI where the students presented their summative project on ‘Amazing Bodies’.

We then had lunch and recess.

Our afternoon began with P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed by Daily 5.

We then had afternoon recess followed by French with Mme. Viellenueve.

 Key information:
-          Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes due November 10.
-          International Mindedness Information due Tuesday, November 14
-          Healthy Food Party Letter sent home.

Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides