Friday, 19 January 2018

January 19

A fun Friday!

Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’Canada. Then we had register followed by calendar, the weather and 100 days of school.

Next we had Show and Tell where students brought in items from home that reminded them of our phonemes from this week.

After that we had recess followed by French with Mme. Viellenueve.

Then, our afternoon began with P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed by finishing off.

Our afternoon ended with skating.

Key information:
-          In-class Oral Competition on Monday, February 5th. TMA Oral Competition on Wednesday, February 7th.
If pre-selecting a poem for the Oral Competition, please bring a copy to school by Monday, January 22nd. If opting for a teacher selected poem, these will be distributed on Friday, January 26th.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

Mrs. Orphanides