Wednesday, 7 November 2018

November 07

A wonderful Wednesday!

Our morning began with assembly where the students sang O’ Canada followed attendance, calendar and 100 days of school.

After that the students had mathematics where they completed a pictograph on ‘Which fruit is the most popular?’ The students were extremely excited to ask the many friends in our classroom!

We then had snack and recess followed by phonics and UOI. In phonics, the students continued to explore the phoneme and grapheme of the letter ‘Bb’.

In UOI the students recapped the different seasons and discussed the types of clothes we wear in autumn.

 After lunch the students had P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed by French with Mme. Villenueve.

Our day ended with a singing practice.

Key information
-          Boxes for Operation Christmas Child now available! See Mrs. Autio in Grade 1 (:
-          Operation Christmas Child boxes due tomorrow - Thursday, November 8
-          PTA Christmas Basket donation due tomorrow - Thursday, November 8
-          No school on Friday.

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Mrs. Orphanides