A marvellous Monday!
Our morning began with assembly where the students sang O’
Canada followed attendance, calendar and 100 days of school.
After that the students shared their weekend news with
We then had snack and recess, followed by phonics and journal writing. In phonics the students discussed the phoneme and grapheme for the letter ‘Ll’ and students practiced their letter formation.
In writing the students shared with their peers what they like to do on their birthday and wrote it in their journals.
After lunch the students had P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed by UOI where they shared their International Mindedness research with each other.
Our day ended with recess followed by singing practice.
Key information
- Please return December lunch form to Mrs. Burke by Tuesday, November 20th.
- International Mindedness Day on Friday.
- Friendly reminder to practice singing the Christmas Concert song, please do not hesitate to ask if you need another copy of the words.
- Student-led Conference sign up letter will be sent home this week.
- Spare clothing request – we kindly ask that your child has ample of spare socks in school as they can often get wet at recess.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Mrs. Orphanides