Friday, 30 September 2016

Friday, September 30

Day 8

Our morning began in the auditorium where a ‘Learner Profile’ celebration took place and a round of house games.

We then had P.E. with Mr. H. followed by our spelling test. We also had a quick math challenge where you had complete a number line in less than 5 minutes. Many students finished the activity in an impressive time of less than 2 minutes.

The students then had first lunch and recess. After that we went into the library for the students to select a novel of their choosing. The students will read this novel in class and will begin to ask and answer questions on their text with a partner.

We then went back to class and had a focused art lesson. The students continued their fractured art as they listened to Chapter 4 of Charlotte’s Web.

We then had second lunch and recess followed by French with Mlls. Jessica.

After French the students had circle time where they shared stories with one another about ‘Action’ (action is where students take learning from our UOI unit outside of the classroom). Some of our stories included building homes for butterflies and planting seeds in their gardens.

At the end of the day we also decided to release our butterflies as we recognized they would need to find food over the weekend.

A very busy day in all!

Important information:
-          Math tests have been sent home. Please sign and return on Monday.
-          Our trip to Terra Cotta Conservation Are is on Tuesday
-          We begin our summative projects in class next week. Please remind your child to bring their information on the animal life cycles they have selected (letter sent out last week).

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Baimas

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Thursday, September 29

Day 7
Our morning began in mathematics where the students were required to make estimations for a group of given objects. The children were given the option to change their estimation half way through counting. 

The students were encouraged to count in multiples greater than 1. Many chose to count in 2, 5 and 10, and some students even chose to count in 3’s and 4’s.

After mathematics we had our Terry Fox Run in the auditorium.

As you can see we had a lot of fun.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music with Mr. Andrei.

 After music the students had UOI where they were given the opportunity to finish their ‘My Own Life Cycle’ and begin their first piece of art work. The art work consisted of the students colouring a piece of fractured art using cold and warm colours. Here is our class example:

Our day ended with second lunch and recess, followed by French and agendas.

Have a great evening everyone,

Miss Baimas

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Wednesday, September 28

Day 6

Our morning began in mathematics where the students chanted their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We also began with a brief introduction to our 3 times tables. Keep practicing grade 2!

We then moved onto looking at numbers and their ‘tens’ and ‘ones’ value (eg. 28 is 2 tens and 8 ones). The students also used ‘Base 10 Blocks’ to assist them.

After mathematics the students had P.E with Mr. H, followed by novel study. As a class we read Chapter 3 of Charlotte’s web and answered the following question: Who would you like to meet in the story and why? Many of the students said that they would like to meet Wilbur as they like pigs.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by grammar and UOI. In grammar the students focused on punctuation and compound sentences. In the first activity the students had to correct sentences by using the appropriate punctuation (full stop or question mark). In the second activity the students had to joining two simple sentences together by using the conjunction ‘and’ to make a compound sentence.

In UOI the students added an entry into their ‘Butterfly Tracking’ booklet and added an entry to their bean record. We then continued with our ‘My Life Cycle’ and used a checklist to ensure we have included all of the criterion.

After second lunch and recess the students had French with Mlls. Jessica and agenda.

An extremely busy day in all!

Important Information:
-          Thank you once more to all parents/guardians and students who has participated in our Bake Sale. We have had so many contributions that we are able to continue selling our baked goods tomorrow. Thank you so much.
-          Terry Fox Run tomorrow. Students are able to wear their gym uniform if they wish.

Many thanks!

Miss Baimas

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Tuesday, September 27

Day 5

Our morning began in mathematics with the introduction of our new topic ‘Number Relationships’. The students were given a pre-assessment to complete individually before moving to the carpet for a class challenge. This challenge consisted of the students trying to write as many facts about the number 12 The students appeared to love this as they came up with an endless amount of facts! To further extend their learning the students then had to complete the same task for the number 24. Once again the students were inventive with their facts (eg. 17+8-2+1).

 The focus of our lesson then moved to counting objects. The students were encouraged to count in simple groups as oppose to counting individual objects. Many students were able to do this with come confidence.

After mathematics the students went to P.E. with Mr. H.

We then spent the rest of our morning focusing on sentence structures. Students were required to form full sentences from jumbled sentences and also join the beginning of a sentence with the end of a sentence to make a full one.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music with Mr. Andrei.

After music the students then focused on our IB traits and explored the attitude ‘Curiosity’ and the attribute ‘Inquirer’ in further detail. Following yesterday’s lesson, the students further discussed their own experiences of when they have been curious and acted as an inquirer.

We then had second lunch an recess followed by French with Mlls. Jessica and agenda. As the children were writing their agendas the most wonderful thing happened... one of our butterflies emerged from the chrysalis! The children were so excited!

Important information:
-          First of all a HUGE thank you to all who have contributed to our bake sale thus far! There has been such a large contribution from our Grade 2 class and we as a school could not be more grateful! Thank you so much.
-          Tomorrow is a casual day to all those who have paid. Students are able to come to school in their own clothes.
-          Thursday is Terry Fox Run.

Have a great evening everyone!

Miss Baimas

Monday, 26 September 2016

Monday, September 26

Day 4

Our day began in mathematics with our math test. The students have been working extremely hard the past few weeks on patterning and their efforts are evident in the results of these math tests. Though the papers have not been officially marked, the students’ confidence in the topic is extremely reassuring.

After mathematics the students had P.E. with Mr. H, followed by spelling. The students have been issued their spelling words for the week and had an opportunity to complete the spelling activity in class.

After first lunch and recess, the grade 2’s joined together for a joint lesson on our UOI topic. The students found a partner from another class and sat together on the carpet. We then began a whole year group discussion on ‘adaptation’.  The students were able to confidently discuss how humans adapt to the cold weather here in Canada.

We then watched a video which explored how a range of animals adapt to their surroundings in an effort to survive. After viewing the video they students were able to discuss the importance of adaptation.  Many students identified that animals adapt for food, to build homes, for weather, for safety and to attract mates.

The students enjoyed working with their year group and did so excellently.

Before second lunch and recess, the students were read ‘Dear Tooth Fairy’. We discussed how the child in the story displayed the attributes of an inquirer and a curious attitude.  The students then shared their own experiences on when they have been curious and an inquirer.  
The students then had French with Mademoiselle Jessica, followed by agenda.

Friendly reminders:
-          Grade 2 will be hosting the bake sale tomorrow and Wednesday. We kindly request your support in this event by bringing in baked goods to help us fund-raise for our school. Thank you to those who have already brought something.
-          The ‘Credit Valley’ letter must be completed for your child to attend the trip to Terra Cotta Conservation Area which has already been paid for - thank you!
-          Spelling pg. 13 – 16 due Wednesday.
-          Cursive pg. 16 – 19 due Friday.

Have a great evening everyone!

Miss Baimas

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Thursday, September 22

Day  2

Our morning began in mathematics where the students were set a challenge involving different coloured beads. In groups the students had to solve the challenge and show their thinking. The students found the concept of ‘show your thinking’ difficult, but all managed to explain their reasoning in the end.

We then had P.E. with Mr. H, followed by independent reading.

After first lunch and recess we observed our beans, many of them have already starting growing!

We then continued with grammar where the students had to correct sentences and decide whether or not they were considered a ‘full’ sentence. Students then worked in partners and created jumbled sentences for each other to solve.

In UOI today the students were required to sort various animals according to their classification. The students recalled their learning from yesterday and combined their knowledge of animals to be able to sort each animal into the correct column. As we completed the activity as a class, a real insect flew onto the insect category. The students found this very amusing!

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and agenda.

A busy day overall!

Please kindly note that the ‘Credit Valley’ letter is for the students’ participation for our first trip at Terra Cotta Conservation Area.

Have a great evening everyone,

Miss Baimas 

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Wednesday, September 21


Our morning began with Mathematics where the students reflected on their learning from yesterday. The students became the teachers where they shared what they knew with one another and asked each other questions. The students were then given an individual activity where they explored how a pattern with the same pattern core could be written in different ways.

After mathematics, the students went to P.E. with Mr. H. On their return, we read Chapter 2 of Charlotte’s Web (which is our current novel study book). The students listened attentively and wrote a list of nouns that they heard in the story. When we had finished reading the chapter, the students then selected 5 of their nouns to put into sentences of their own.

We then had first lunch and recess, followed by UOI. In UOI we read an interesting story called ‘What do you do with a tail like this?’. The students had to guess the animals the story was referring to based on the images. I was extremely impressed when two students recognized one of the animals as a platypus!
As a class we then discussed the classification of animals. The students then got into groups where they were each given a specific animal type. In their group they were ask to list as many animals as they could that belong in the group (eg. for mammals – elephants, tigers, bear etc.). The students were all able to provide a range of animals for their given group.

After UOI we had music with Mr. Andrei followed by an opportunity to catch up  on any unfinished work.

We then had second lunch and recess, and French with Mlls. Jessica. After French we wrote in our agenda ready for dismissal.

Important information:
-          Thank you to all for responding to the class trip!
-          Grade 2 is hosting this month’s bake sale next week, see letter.
Thank you and have a wonderful evening everyone,

Miss Baimas

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Tuesday, September 20

Day 10

Our morning began with mathematics where we built upon our prior knowledge. We initially explored how many patterns we could make using 4 shapes. The students were shocked at the amount of combinations we came up with as a whole class. We then decided to take each pattern and write it in a different way, whether it was with numbers, letters or shapes.

After mathematics with had P.E. with Mr. H, followed by a reflection of our beans growth thus far. The students realized that giving the beans too much water could actually inhibit their growth and, in fact, make them not grow at all. We also added an entry into our ‘Butterfly Tracking’ booklet as out caterpillars formed chrysalis over the weekend!

We then had first lunch and recess followed by UOI. In UOI students were given a range of animals which they had to try and sort. In their groups they came up with a variety of way to do this, such as from small to large and from those who metamorphosis and those animals who do not. 

As a class we discussed the various ways of sorting and decided that still these did not suffice. Instead we pooled our ideas together and decided our animals based on their ‘body types’. As you will see in the images below, the students came up with ‘hair/fur’, ‘slimy skin/scales’ and ‘feathers/wings’. The students assembled all of their animals and created a graffiti wall which they were very proud of!

After UOI we had a grammar lesson where the students discussed features of a full sentence. The students then got into groups of three or four ready for a sentence game. For the game, students had to form sentences using pre-chopped up words. The groups competed with each other to see who could create the most sentences.  It was very competitive!

We then had second lunch and recess followed my French with Mlls. Jessica. After French the day ended with the students writing in their agenda.

Please kindly note that Grade 2 EB is hoping to win a ‘Pizza Party’ competition for having all school uniform labeled. Please help us to win this competition by labeling all uniform!

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Miss Baimas

Monday, 19 September 2016

Monday, September 19

Day 9

A busy Monday!

Our morning began with guest speaker from the Terry Fox Run charity. Our speaker spoke to us about Terry Fox himself and how he ran across Canada to raise awareness for cancer. For more information see:

St Jude's Academy are collecting sponsors for our Terry Fox Run even happening next Thursday. So remember to start collecting Grade 2!

After our guest speaker we had mathematics. In mathematics we explored patterns which had the same attributes. We used 3D shapes and discussed how we can make different patterns using the same shapes. We will continue with this concept tomorrow.

We hen had P.E with Mr. H, followed by our spelling words.

First lunch and recess has now been extended to 1 hour. The students thoroughly enjoyed eating their lunch and running outside today!

Following lunch we began our 'My Life Cycle' activity. The students used their photographs and began documenting their life cycle thus far. They then began to draw themselves in the future as a teenager, adult and elderly person. A caption underneath each picture was also requested.

Before second lunch the students had music with Mr. Andrei.

French with Mlls. Jessica took place after recess followed by agenda.

Have a great evening everyone!

Miss Baimas

Friday, 16 September 2016

Friday, September 16

Day 8

As always, our morning began with mathematics. The students were given challenges today where they had to create patterns with given shapes. The students definitely took this challenge in their stride and loved trying to solve the pattern cores!

After mathematics the students had P.E with Mr. H, followed by their spelling test.

When first lunch and recess and recess was over, the students ensured their beans also received their helping of water! We continued our lesson with a UOI focus and discussed the life cycles of bees and butterflies. Through this discussion, we learnt subject specific vocabulary such as metamorphosis, pupa and larva. The students then completed the life cycle of a bee and a butterfly independently.

After UOI the students completed their agendas and read a book of their choosing. We also sat in a circle and used adjectives to describe penguin (our mascot), before going for second lunch.

When the students finished second lunch and recess they had French with Mlls. Jessica.
Our day ended with circle time, there students shared their ‘All About Me’ bags.

Important information
-          All uniform must be labeled, including gym uniform. Please also kindly note that students are required to wear full uniform on Tues/Thus/Fri.
-          Trip 2 response form is due next week.
-          My Life Cycle images due Monday (only 3 images needed, the other 3 will be drawn by the students, thus 6 images in all – sorry for the confusion!)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Miss Baimas

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Thursday, September 15

Day 7

Our morning began in mathematics where the students became the teachers. The student’s recalled their learning from this week and we shared their patterns on the whiteboard. The students then worked on a task individually to find pattern cores and attributes. Some students even compared their pattern and discussed the similar/different attributes.

After mathematics the students wen to P.E with Mr. H. Following PE, the students went on a scavenger hunt for nouns! The students went outside and tried to find people, places and things to put on their list.

We then had lunch and recess, followed by music with Mr. Andrei.

After music, the students added an entry into their ‘Butterfly Tracking’ booklet. They identifies that our caterpillars have grown considerably. Shortly after this activity, the students were finally ready to plant their beans! The students were each given a plastic cup with soil and they were asked to make a small well with their finger. Each student was given two beans that they placed in their well. We covered our beans with soil and added water as necessary.

I cannot wait to see how these beans grow!

We then had lunch and recess, followed by French with Mlls. Jessica.

After French the students wrote in their agendas and we ended our day with an activity on verbs… ‘Simon Says’!

Quick reminders:
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Trip 2
- Please label all uniform including gym uniform
- Thank you also to all who attended the BBQ, it was great to see so many of you!

Have a great evening everyone,

Miss Baimas

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Day 6

Today has been an extremely peculiar day… We found MAGIC BEANS!!!

But before I tell you more, let me first mention our morning. Our morning began with mathematics. The students recalled their learning from yesterday and we created a class venn diagram. We then discussed ‘attributes’ and the students created a pattern with 2 or more attributes in it.

We then went to gym with Mr. H. After gym we began our novel study on ‘Charlotte’s web’ where we read the first chapter.

During our first lunch and recess, one of our grade 2 students found magic beans. They were apparently hidden under a tree with a note stating they were only suitable for grade 2 students. The students ran to Ms. Jaskolka and informed her of their discovery. I was then called outside to investigate. There appeared to be no traces of who may have left them. To our surprise, the instructions on how to grow the beans were also missing! Ms. Jaskola and I decided to put all of our lessons on hold and explore the beans. We found out that the smell of the beans changed from person to person. I would smell chocolate and the seaside, whereas other students could smell money!!

As a year group we decided to all come together and discuss our findings. The students have created a ‘Magic Tree’ diagram with labels which shows you what they believe their magic bean will grow into. These beans will be planted tomorrow according to how they think they need to be cared for. All students will be given a cup, soil and water to help grow their bean. Any additional items need to be brought into school tomorrow (students are only allowed to add 1 extra component (eg. $0.25/a piece of chocolate to add to the soil).
Please note that the ‘Magic Tree’ posters will be displayed outside of the classroom.

The news even spread across the school and teachers were coming to see what we had found!

This activity was so exciting and the students were so thoroughly engrossed that it took until lunch to complete. During second lunch the students could not stop discussing the beans! They were trying to figure out what may have happened to the rest of the note and who could possibly left the beans for us?

After second lunch and recess the students had French with Mademoiselle Jessica followed by agenda and dismissal.

Tomorrow we will be planting the beans… I can’t wait!!

Miss Baimas