Friday, 3 March 2017

Friday, March 3

Day 9

Our morning began with mathematics where the students used base 10 equipment to solve 2-digit addition.

We then had gym with Ms. Banon, followed by our spelling test.

After this we had first recess and lunch, followed by agendas and UOI. In UOI the students finished their summative project and began presenting in front of their peers for formative feedback.
The students will be presenting their projects on Monday.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and circle time.

Important Information:
- Spirit Week begins next week; come dressed as:
                MONDAY – Pajamas
                TUESDAY – Crazy Hair and Colourful Outfit
                WEDNESDAY – Princess/Superhero
                THURSDAY – House Colours
                FRIDAY – St Patrick’s Day

-          Summative presentations will take place on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Baimas