Monday, 27 March 2017

Monday, March 27

Day 5


Our morning began with a quick catch up on our March Break, the students passed around Penguin and shared a story.

We then had mathematics where we played our 'Follow Me Cards' and recapped our learning from last term. We shared our knowledge and skills on Place Value and using Base 10 equipment.

The students then had P.E., followed by agendas and spelling where they were given their new spelling words (Lesson 23.).

We then had second lunch and recess followed by music. After music we had UOI where the students were introduce to their new UOI topic, ‘On the Move!’.  We discussed the term ‘migration’ and the various reasons why people/animals may migrate.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French.

Important Information:
- L23 Spelling words
- Last page of Cursive
- Trip and ‘On the Move’ letter sent home
- Casual Day Wednesday
- Friday is ‘Toonies for Autism’, students are asked to bring $2 and wear blue.
- March Break Homework needs to be returned to school tomorrow

Have a fantastic evening everyone!
Miss Baimas