Thursday, 2 March 2017

Thursday, March 2

Day 8

Our morning began with mathematics where we continued to explore base 10 equipment and place-value mats. The students chose a two digit number and were able to represent it in different ways. 
They were also required to identify equivalent representations of numbers displayed on a place-value mat.

After that we had gym with Ms. Tyson followed by literacy. In literacy we discussed the topic of a paragraph. We also used given images to determine the main topic of a paragraph.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by library and UOI. In library the students were given the opportunity to change their reading books.

In UOI the students continued creating their posters for their summative project.

After that we had second lunch and recess, followed by French and agendas.

Important Information:
- Spirit Week begins next week; come dressed as:
                MONDAY – Pajamas
                TUESDAY – Crazy Hair and Colourful Outfit
                WEDNESDAY – Princess/Superhero
                THURSDAY – House Colours
                FRIDAY – St Patrick’s Day

Have a great evening everyone,
Miss Baimas