Monday, 14 May 2018

May 14

It has been a marvelous Monday!

Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’ Canada. Then we had register followed by calendar, the weather and sharing our weekend news with Penguin.           

We then had recess the students wrote an entry into their journals about their weekend.

After that we had lunch and recess followed by P.E with Miss. Cranfield. We then began completing a series of science activities where the students were given the following challenges to complete:
-          Can you make the butterfly sit on your finger?
-          Can you make the paperclip float?
-          How quickly can you complete the track?

We then had afternoon ended with the students continuing these challenges.

Key information:
-          Summer Camp due to Lynne Burke as soon as possible.
-          May 16 – Jersey Spirit Day (if your team is still in the playoffs)
-          May 17 – Dictation List 7
-          May 17 – Grade 3/4 Service Project donations due to Ms. Clarkson
-          May 17 – June Lunch Form due
-          May 17 – Royalty Spirit Day
-          May 17 – Ice Cream Truck comes to school - $2 needed
-          May 18 – No school
-          May 21 – No school
-          May 22 – Rain Boots needed for UOI 4
-          May 22 – Full dress uniform needed
-          May 25 – In class Spelling Bee

Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides