A tremendous Thursday!
Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’ Canada. Then we had register followed by
the calendar, the weather and 100 days of school.
Next we had mathematics where the students completed
addition a number line challenges.
We then had recess followed by phonics and UOI. In phonics the students
discussed the phoneme ‘AUau’ and practiced the letter formations.
In UOI the students watered their magical beans and began learning
about animal habitats.
Our afternoon began with P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed
by dance.
We then had afternoon recess followed by music with Ms.
Key information:
Camp due to Lynne Burke as soon as possible.
Birthday Circle moved to tomorrow.
In-class Spelling Bee on tomorrow, practice
words on a daily basis.
Rain Boots needed for this UOI.
Spelling Bee competition at St Jude’s Academy
details sent home. Please return permission form.
Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides