Tuesday, 22 May 2018

May 22

A terrific Tuesday!

Our morning began with assembly where we sang O’ Canada. Then we had register followed by calendar, the weather and sharing our weekend news with Penguin. Nicky’s journal was also shared.

After that we had recess followed by phonics and mathematics. In phonics we discussed the phoneme ‘OEoe’ and practiced the letter formations.

In mathematics the students used a number line to add one and two digit numbers together.

Our afternoon began with P.E with Miss. Cranfield followed by Spelling Bee practice.

Our afternoon ended with recess followed by UOI where the students became nature detectives and went exploring on the trail. They also collected a stick ready for an art activity next week.

The students also discovered that their magic beans had begun to grow! They discussed why they thought some had grown more than others and also watered their beans.

Key information:
-          Summer Camp and re-registration due to Lynne Burke as soon as possible.
-          Birthday Circle on Thursday.
-          In-class Spelling Bee on Friday, practice words on a daily basis.
-          Rain Boots needed for this UOI.
-          Spelling Bee competition at St Jude’s Academy details sent home. Please return permission form.

Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Mrs. Orphanides