Friday, 19 October 2018

October 19

A fantastic Friday

Our morning began with assembly where the students sang O’ Canada followed attendance, calendar and 100 days of school.

After that the students had library where Penguin read them a story.  

We then had snack and recess, followed by Show and Tell and mathematics.

In Show and Tell the students brought in items to share relating to our phonemes of the week.

In mathematics the students explored the term ‘less’.  They used two hoops, counted how many objects were inside and had to identify which one had less.

After lunch the students had UOI and P.E. with Miss. Cranfield.

In UOI the students cut our pictures of food and stuck them into the group that shows the part of the plant that they come from.

Our day ended with choosing.

Key information
-          Photo Retake Day: Please let Mrs. Burke know if you would like a photo retake for your child.
-          Summative letter send home. Any resources your child wishes to bring are due Monday.
-          Casual Day on Wednesday.
-          Birthday Circle is on Friday.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Mrs. Orphanides