Tuesday, 30 October 2018

October 30

A terrific Tuesday!

Our morning began with assembly where the students sang O’ Canada followed by attendance, calendar and 100 days of school.

After that, the students had mathematics where they were introduced to graphs. Students also accurately placed themselves onto the graph.

We then had snack and recess followed by art where the students used paint and their hands to create a Halloween spider picture.

After lunch the students had phonics and French. In phonics, the students continued to explore the phoneme and grapheme of the letter ‘Uu’.

Our day ended with recess followed by story time.

Key information
-        Halloween Spirit day tomorrow - students are encouraged to wear their Halloween costume to school (no masks, no weapons).
-        Uniform – Please ensure all uniform is labelled.
-        Kind reminder, please read with your child every night and send the reading books on your child’s ‘Read with Teacher’ day so that new books can be issued.
Helpful tip: Cover up the pictures and encourage your child to use their phonological awareness to sound out each word and then blend together to say the word
(eg. /s/ /a/ /t/ - sat).

Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Mrs. Orphanides