Thursday, 22 December 2016

Thursday, December 22

Day 3

Our day consisted of a range of festive activities! The students celebrated their work in this academic year thus far with a day of fun!

Happy holidays and a fantastic New Year!

Important Information:
-          Back to school 11th Janurary, 2017
-          Term 1 work sent home
-          Optional math pack sent home
-          International Day research due January 11th.

Happy holidays and a fantastic New Year!

Miss Baimas

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Wednesday, December 21

Day 2

Our morning began with UOI where the students learnt about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. They then chose a country to create a poster and educate students in SJA of different Christmas traditions.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by the matinee performance of the Christmas concert.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and agendas.

Important Information:
- Christmas concerts tonight! Christmas Baskets to be auctioned

- Students to be at school for 6.30pm
- International day letter sent home
- Bring empty plastic bag tomorrow
- Spirit day dress up tomorrow – Christmas colours

See you later!

Miss Baimas

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Tuesday, December 20

Day 1

Our morning began with agendas and mathematics where the students played timetable shoot out.

After mathematics, the students had P.E with Mr. H followed by UOI. In UOI, we were joined by Grade 2 OJ and we read ‘Diary of a Spider’. The students discussed the learner profile ‘Communicator’ and gave examples of how they have been communicators.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by a full dress rehearsal.

We then had second lunch and recess followed by French and more Christmas Concert practice with Mr. Oliver.

Important Information:
- Bake Sale continues tomorrow
- Math test sent home, please sign and return
- Costume sent home. Students to come to school tomorrow dressed in their costume and hair done.
- Christmas Baskets for Action at Christmas Concert
- Christmas concert reminder message:
Good afternoon SJA Families,

We are excited to send a reminder of the annual SJA Christmas concert taking place tomorrow.  The afternoon performance begins at 12pm, and the evening performance begins at 7pm.  There will be lots of fun in addition to the performance such as a bake sale, and the silent action for the beautiful Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild.
We suggest that families bring a non-perishable food item or a new (unwrapped) toy for our holiday food drive as your ticket in to the performance.
Looking forward to seeing all our SJA families out tomorrow! 

Best regards,

Carrie Nelson, BA (Hons), M.Ed, OCT

Have a wonderful evening everyone and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Miss Baimas

Monday, 19 December 2016

Monday, December 19

Day 10

In mathematics the students explored their math review and completed their math test on addition and subtraction.

After mathematics the students had P.E. with Mr. H, followed by Christmas Concert rehearsal

We then had first recess and lunch, followed by our final Christmas Concert rehearsal before the dress rehearsal tomorrow.

We then had second lunch and recess followed by French and agendas.

Important Information:
-Christmas Concert dress rehearsal tomorrow, costumes needed!
- Pizza party letter to be returned for tomorrow
- Bake sale tomorrow
- Christmas Baskets for action at Christmas Concert

Have a lovely evening everyone!
Miss Baimas

Friday, 16 December 2016

Friday, December 16

Day 9

Our morning began with our spelling test, mathematics review and agendas. The mathematics review has been sent home for revision as we will be having a math test next week.

We then had gym with Mr. H, followed by Christmas Concert practice.

After this we had first recess and lunch, followed by music with Mr. Oliver. After music we continued rehearsing for the Christmas concert.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and circle time.

Important Information:
- Math review sent home, test next week
- Candygram due Monday
- Costumes for Christmas Concert due Monday
- Christmas Baskets for Action at Christmas Concert

Have a lovely evening weekend everyone!

Miss Baimas

Please kindly note that the date on the Christmas concert flyer was incorrect, it is Wednesday 21st, 2016. See below:

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Thursday, December 15

Day 8

Our morning began in mathematics where the students used problem-solving strategies to solve a range of story problems.

After mathematics they had gym with Mr. H followed by Christmas Concert practice.
We also continued our Christmas Concert practice after first lunch and recess too!

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and agenda.

Important Information:
- January Lunch Form due tomorrow
- Costume Concert  needs to be brought into school
- Christmas Concert Flyer:

- Christmas Baskets for Action at Christmas Concert next week!
- Cold Weather Policy:
Orders will be extended to Monday December 19th!!

Have a great evening everyone, 

Miss Baimas 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Wednesday, December 14

Day 7

Our morning began in mathematics with the students used their own strategies to subtract one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers. Then, they found related differences and looked for patterns.

After mathematics the students had P.E with Mr. H, followed by Christmas Concert rehearsals.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music with Mr. Oliver and Grade 2 OJ.
After music we continued with Christmas Concert rehearsals.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and agendas.

Important Information:
- January Lunch Form due Friday
- Candy grams letter sent home

- Christmas Baskets for Action and Christmas Concert next week

- A note from the Christmas Concert Committee:

Toys and Food: Please remind parents that we are continuing to collect food donations and that a food item will be accepted as their "ticket" into the Christmas concert. 

Thank you so much for your understanding. 

Ms. Glover, Ms. Ross, Ms. Gillingham, Ms. Schwarz 

 Have a great evening everyone,
Miss Baimas

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Tuesday, December 13

Day 6

Today Grade 2 visited Benares House where students participated in two workshops.
 In the first workshop the students explored the wintertime traditions and customs of cultures from around the world. They made a treat, heard stories, created a craft and played games. 
In the second workshop, students explored the traditions and customs of a Victorian Christmas as they toured a decorated house, baked a traditional treat, and created a seasonal craft. 

We all had a wonderful time and the students were able to use their knowledge from our Unit of Inquiry, Colourful Cultures, to explore how people around the world recognize and celebrate cultural events through celebrations and traditions.

Thank you also to all our volunteers!
For more photographs please see Ms. Jaskolka’s Blog.

Important Information:
 - January Lunch Form due Friday
 - Christmas Concert Costume Letter sent home. Please send your costume into school at your earliest convenience. Dress rehearsal will be at the beginning of next week.

Have a lovely evening,
Miss Baimas