Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Wednesday, May 31

Day 8

Our morning began with mathematics where the students practiced dividing items into equal groups and recording the results. They also wrote a division number sentence to accompany their work.

After that we had gym followed by agendas and story.

We then had first lunch and recess followed UOI where the students went on a nature walk.

Spring is a season full of sound. Students found a quiet spot and listened for a while.
They may have heard wood peckers drumming, as they make their nesting hallows, bird singing, cuckoos calling, bees buzzing, rustles from birds or squirrels in the undergrowth and the breeze in the tree tops!

They then created their own Spring Symphony and performed it to nature.

We also listened to Spirit's Journal before going for second lunch and recess.

Our afternoon ended with Arts Night Practice.

Important Information:
- Spelling Bee tomorrow, arrive to school by 8:45
- Arts Night June 7th at 1pm and 7pm, practice song
- Summative due June 6th, continue summative at home.

Have a great evening everyone,

Miss Baimas 

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Tuesday, May 30

Day 7

Our morning began with sharing Spirit’s Journal.

We then had mathematics where the students worked in groups to state addition, multiplication and division sentences using cupcakes and M&Ms!

 After mathematics the students had P.E., followed by agendas and story.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music with Mr. Oliver.
After music we continued working on our Arts Night performance.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French, Art Night decoration.

Important Information:
- Spelling Bee letter sent home, must be returned tomorrow
- Bake sale continues tomorrow
- Casual Day tomorrow
- Summative due June 6th, continue summative at home.
- Arts Night June 7th at 1pm and 7pm, practice song

Have a great evening everyone,
Miss Baimas

Monday, 29 May 2017

Monday, May 29

Day 6

Our morning began with Spirit’s Journal.

In mathematics the students began their new unit of multiplication and division with Follow Me cards where they improved their time to 4 minutes 25 seconds!

They practiced skip counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 10s and 11s. The students also used repeated addition to count groups and record a multiplication sentence.

The students then went to P.E. After that they had agendas and were given their nee spelling words (L32), pg. 130-132.

Their summative projects presentations continued after first lunch and recess.

We then had first lunch and recess, followed by Arts Night practice. Arts Night will take place on June 7th. There will be both a 1pm and 7pm performance. All students are encouraged to attend.

Our day ended with second lunch and recces, French with Mlls. Jessica and story.

Important Information:
- L32 Spelling (pg. 130-132)
- Bake sale tomorrow and Wednesday
- Arts Night June 7th, practice song
- Summative due June 6th, continue summative at home.

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Miss Baimas

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Thursday, May 25

Day 4

Our morning began with sharing Spirit’s journal.

We then has mathematics where we discussed the review for our upcoming test tomorrow. Misconceptions and questions were addressed. We also completed our agendas and listened to our novel study story.

After that we had P.E. followed by UOI where we met with Grade 2OJ and learnt about the importance of water.
We then had first lunch and recess followed by library and UOI.

In library the students were given the opportunity to change their reading books. In UOI the students used what they had learnt about the importance of water and acted out messages for each other.

 We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and Arts Night practice.

Important Information:
- Spelling Test tomorrow.
- Math Test tomorrow, review sent home for study.
- Continue working on summative project.
- Arts Night Message:
Our annual Art's Night is only two weeks away!! Please join us on Wednesday, June 7 at 7:00 PM. You may also join us at our dress rehearsal which begins at 1:00 PM. Our theme this year is ‘Music Through The Eras!’ You are in for a fantastic night of art, dance, and song! We are asking that students be at the school 6:30 to get ready. We will also be selling treats and baked goods, so get ready for what is sure to be a wonderful evening. 

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Miss Baimas 

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Wednesday, May 24

Day 3

Our morning began with sharing Spirit’s journal.

We then had mathematics where the students were given their math review for this measurement unit. Math review has been sent home for completion. Please return tomorrow, test on Friday.

 The students then had P.E., followed by agendas and story.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by UOI and music. In UOI we watched various clips of sustainability, reduce, reuse and recycle. We also made a class poster demonstrating how our class cares.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and Arts Night practice.

Important Information:
- Math review sent home for completion. Please return tomorrow.
- Math test on Friday.

Have a lovely evening everyone,

Miss Baimas