Day 6
Our morning began with Spirit’s Journal.
In mathematics the students began their new unit of
multiplication and division with Follow Me cards where they improved their time to 4 minutes 25 seconds!
They practiced skip counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s,
6s, 10s and 11s. The students also used repeated addition to count groups and
record a multiplication sentence.
The students then went to P.E. After that they had agendas and
were given their nee spelling words (L32), pg. 130-132.
Their summative projects presentations continued after first
lunch and recess.
We then had first lunch and recess, followed by Arts Night
practice. Arts Night will take place on June 7th. There will be both
a 1pm and 7pm performance. All students are encouraged to attend.
Our day ended with second lunch and recces, French with
Mlls. Jessica and story.
Important Information:
- L32 Spelling (pg. 130-132)
- Bake sale tomorrow and Wednesday
- Arts Night June 7th, practice song
- Summative due June 6th, continue summative at
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Miss Baimas