Day 10
Our morning began with mathematics where the students
continued their work on geometry. They used their knowledge of symmetry and
reflections to solve problems. Students also used miras to check their work.
After mathematics, the students had P.E followed by language
arts. In language arts the students continued their work on persuasive
advertising. They shared their cake advertisements with one another and then
began an individual advertisement for a donut.
We then had first lunch and recess followed by UOI. In UOI we
began to learn about our new UOI ‘Protect Our Planet!’. Students learnt about
their donation surprise and completed a wonder wall.
We then had second lunch and recess followed by French,
agendas and story.
Important Information:
- A Message from MYP:
Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians,
It's that time of the year again! The St. Jude's Academy Annual
Shakespeare Play will be taking place on Wednesday May 10th, 2017.
Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. and the play will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Please join us in celebrating all of the hard work that the Year 4's and 5's
have put into their rendition of "Revenge of the Shrew."
Ms. Lopez & Mrs. Kerr
- Exhibition Project Presentations are tomorrow.
- Spelling homework and Spelling Test tomorrow.
Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Miss Baimas