Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Wednesday, May 10

Day 5

Our morning began with Suditi and Spirit sharing their evening together and our in-class Spelling Bee. Congratulations to all students for participating and to our three finalists who will be moving forward to The Maples Academy and Sunnybrook Competition on Monday .

After P.E., the students had mathematics where we discussed their math review for their test tomorrow. Review sent home for revision.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music. After music we had agendas and second lunch
We then went to see the MYP production of the Taming of the Shrew and had a wonderful time.

We then had French with Mlls. Jessica and story.

Important Information:
- Math test tomorrow
- OWA tomorrow
- Track and Field on Friday, come to school dressed in gym uniform.

Have a fantastic evening everyone!

Miss Baimas