Monday, 1 May 2017

Monday, May 1

Day 8

Our morning began with mathematics where the students began their work on geometry. They were required to find geometric figures in the classroom and tell where each is located. Student who finished this activity they were required to look for a colour figures in a drawing according to a given criteria.

After that we had gym followed by our new spelling words (L28) and agendas.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by library and UOI. In library the students were given the opportunity to change their reading books. In UOI the students began writing a persuasive advertisement.

After that we had second lunch and recess, followed by UOI summative presentations, agendas and story.

Important Information:
- Spelling L28 (pg. 114-116)
- Indoor Playground trip on Wednesday for Spring Fundraiser
- Practice Spelling Bee words, in class competition next week.
- June Lunch order message:

The lunch ordering system is now open for June. Please ensure you place your order no later than May 19th at 4:00pm. Lunch payment is due by May 23rd 4:00 or unfortunately your lunch order will be cancelled for the month of June. Please keep in mind that there are no reimbursements for field trips or absences. You can go online at

All the best, 
Brittany Smith OCT 612877

Have a great evening everyone,

Miss Baimas