Day 10
In mathematics the students began by discussing the facts of
a 100 square. They were asked to discuss what they could see and what the purpose of
a 100 square was. The students then became number detectives and were asked to
fill in the missing numerals on pieces of 100 square. The students also had to
use a 100 square to make a missing number puzzle for a friend to complete.
After mathematics the students had P.E with Miss Jaskola and I. Our class taught Miss Jaskolka's class how to play 'Beans'.
We then had spelling. The students wrote out their new spelling words and began the
lesson 6 activities in their spelling text book.
We then had first lunch and recess followed by music with
Mr. Andrei.
After music we had UOI. Our new UOI is ‘Amazing Bodies’.
Our lesson began with a discussion on what we already know
about keeping our bodies healthy. The discussion was largely focused on healthy
eating and regular exercise. The students then wrote down any questions they
want to find out during this topic. We hope that by the end of the topic, the
students will have discovered the answers to their questions.
We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and
Important Information:
- Parents, please take time to complete the SJA self-study survey by Friday, October 21, 2016, by clicking on the link: SJA Self-Study Survey or by copying the address into your browser Thank you to parents you have completed the survey.
- Summative marks sent home, please sign and return.
Have a great evening everyone,
Miss Baimas