Day 5
We began our day in mathematics where we continued to look
at time. We had to measure the number of repetitions that we could do in whole
minute for a range of activities. We then had to record activities that we
thought would take one minute and measure.
We then had gym with Mr. H. followed by independent reading.
reading independently, the students were encouraged to ask themselves questions
about their novel.
After that we went for first lunch and recess, followed by our
photographs and music with Mr. Andrei.
We then had writing where the students began planning our
next piece of writing by individually creating a bubble plan for a toy of their
choosing. Some children even began writing their draft explanation of their
chosen toy.
Before going to second lunch and recess we had UOI. In partners we
practiced a range of exercises and reflected on how successful we were in
performing the activity accurately.
We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and
Important Information:
- After care fees due tomorrow.
- Trip tomorrow, please bring a disposable lunch. Gym
uniform permitted.
- Monday – spirit dress up as harvest colours or Halloween
- Students to complete ‘Healthy Living Guide’
Have a great evening everyone,
Miss Baimas