Thursday, 27 April 2017

Thursday April 27

Day 6

Our morning began in mathematics where the students discussed the review in preparation for tomorrow’s test.

The students then went to P.E. After that they had UOI where students began presenting their summative projects.

Their summative projects presentations continued after first lunch and recess.

We then took a quick break to enjoy our ice-cream!!

Our day ended with second lunch and recces, French with Mlls. Jessica and agendaa.

Important Information:
- Math test tomorrow, review sent home.
- Homework due tomorrow.
- May lunch orders and payment due tomorrow.
- Donations for UOI 6 surprise (adopting and endangered animal) to be submitted by Monday.
- Spring Fundraiser:
                FRIDAY – Casual Day and Disco
- Continue to bring in Pledges for Spring Fundraiser.
- There will be a tuck shop at the disco on Friday, place bring $1 - $2 to buy something.
- Spelling Bee words sent home for practice.

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Miss Baimas

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Wednesday, April 26

Day 5

Our morning began with a pancake breakfast for our Spring Fundraiser! The children ate delicious pancakes and had a wonderful time!

We then had mathematics where the students were given their math review for their upcoming test. Children are to finish their math review for homework and bring it back to school tomorrow for marking. The test will be on Friday.

The students continued working on their math review after P.E.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music. After music we had UOI where the students continued with their summative project and began presenting to one another for feedback. The summative project presentation will take place tomorrow.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French with Mlls. Jessica, agendas and story.

Important Information:
- May lunch orders and payment due Friday.
- Donations for UOI 6 surprise (adopting and endangered animal) to be submitted by Friday.
- Spring Fundraiser:
                THURSDAY – Ice cream
                FRIDAY – Casual Day and Disco
- Continue to bring in Pledges for Spring Fundraiser.
- There will be a tuck shop at the disco on Friday, place bring $1 - $2 to buy something.

Have a fantastic evening everyone!
Miss Baimas

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Tuesday, April 25

Day 4

Our morning began with an exciting assembly where students were selected to cover the teachers in toilet paper after reaching our $3,000 target for the Spring Fundraiser. Only 2/3 to go!

We then has mathematics where the students exercised a range of measurement skills including finding the area and perimeter of given shapes.

Next we had language where we completed our OWA pre-assessment on writing a persuasive advertisement.

We also completed our agendas before going for first lunch and recess.

During lunch we enjoyed our popcorn for the Spring Fundraiser.

After that we had libary and UOI where the students continued to work on their summative project.

 We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and a Spring Fundraiser assembly.

Important Information:
- Casual Day tomorrow.
- May lunch orders and payment due Friday.
- Donations for UOI 6 surprise to be submitted by Friday.
- Scholastic Order reminder:
Good Morning, 
Please ensure to have all scholastic orders in by Friday, April 28 9:00am. 

Best Regards
- Spring Fundraiser:
                WEDNESDAY – Pancake Breakfast
THURSDAY – Ice cream
                FRIDAY – Casual Day and Disco

Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Miss Baimas

Monday, 24 April 2017

Monday, April 24

Day 3

Our morning began with mathematics where the students used math manipulative to make different arrangements and record them on grid paper.

 The students then had P.E., followed by agendas and spelling where they were given their new spelling words (Lesson 27).

We then had first lunch and recess followed by Spring Fundraiser announcements and activities.

Our afternoon continued with UOI where we continued work on our summative project.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and story.

Important Information:
- Spelling Homeowork, L 27 (pg.110-112).
- Donations for UOI 6 surprise to be submitted by Friday.
- Spring Fundraiser beings next week:
TUESDAY – Popcorn
                WEDNESDAY – Pancake Breakfast
THURSDAY – Ice cream
                FRIDAY – Casual Day and Disco
-          School website message:
Dear SJA Parents/Guardians

Our school website is currently down due to issues with our hosting service.  We are working as quickly as we can to have the problem rectified. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to communicate with your children(s) teacher or alternatively you can call the school directly at (905) 814-0202

We thank you for your patience. 

Best Regards, 

-          May lunch message:
Hello everyone,

The ordering site is open for May lunches. Please submit your order by April 28th 4:00pm. All lunch payments must be received by Monday May 1st at 4:00pm or unfortunately your lunch order will have to be cancelled. Please also keep in mind that we do not give reimbursements for field trips or days absent. If you have any questions please contact me.
All the best, 

Have a lovely evening everyone,

Miss Baimas