Day 5
Our morning began with a
pancake breakfast for our Spring Fundraiser! The children ate delicious
pancakes and had a wonderful time!
We then had mathematics
where the students were given their math review for their upcoming test.
Children are to finish their math review for homework and bring it back to
school tomorrow for marking. The test will be on Friday.
The students continued working on
their math review after P.E.
We then had first lunch and recess followed by music. After
music we had UOI where the students continued with their summative project and
began presenting to one another for feedback. The summative project
presentation will take place tomorrow.
We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French with
Mlls. Jessica, agendas and story.
Important Information:
- May lunch orders and payment due Friday.
- Donations for UOI 6 surprise (adopting and endangered
animal) to be submitted by Friday.
- Spring Fundraiser:
– Ice cream
– Casual Day and Disco
- Continue to bring in Pledges for Spring Fundraiser.
- There will be a tuck shop at the disco on Friday, place
bring $1 - $2 to buy something.
Have a fantastic evening everyone!
Miss Baimas