Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Tuesday, April 25

Day 4

Our morning began with an exciting assembly where students were selected to cover the teachers in toilet paper after reaching our $3,000 target for the Spring Fundraiser. Only 2/3 to go!

We then has mathematics where the students exercised a range of measurement skills including finding the area and perimeter of given shapes.

Next we had language where we completed our OWA pre-assessment on writing a persuasive advertisement.

We also completed our agendas before going for first lunch and recess.

During lunch we enjoyed our popcorn for the Spring Fundraiser.

After that we had libary and UOI where the students continued to work on their summative project.

 We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and a Spring Fundraiser assembly.

Important Information:
- Casual Day tomorrow.
- May lunch orders and payment due Friday.
- Donations for UOI 6 surprise to be submitted by Friday.
- Scholastic Order reminder:
Good Morning, 
Please ensure to have all scholastic orders in by Friday, April 28 9:00am. 

Best Regards
- Spring Fundraiser:
                WEDNESDAY – Pancake Breakfast
THURSDAY – Ice cream
                FRIDAY – Casual Day and Disco

Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Miss Baimas