Day 10
In mathematics the students used their addition and subtraction
strategies to solve word problems. The students were placed into groups and
they had to solve a quiz.
We then had P.E followed by agendas and spelling where they
were given their new spelling words (Lesson 24).
We then had first recess and lunch followed by UOI. In UOI
the students were introduced to ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’ factors in an effort to gain
an understanding of why people move from one Canada to another.
The students watched a video and discussed the reasons why
people then move to Canada.
Then Ms. Baimas shared her story of moving to Canada and the
processes and feelings involved.
Our afternoon ended with second lunch and recess, followed
by French and story.
Important Information:
Spellings L24, pg. 97-100
Trip response de tomorrow
Cultural Market on Thursday, bring money
Parent-Teacher Interviews on Thursday. Time
slots will be sent home in the coming days.
Continue to collect recycleables.
Return last page of the report card
Collect used batteries for the battery drive:
Have a lovely evening everyone!