Thursday, 20 April 2017

Thursday, April 20

Day 1

Our morning began with mathematics where the students continued their work on measurement. The students measured 4 objects, then graphed and ordered their results.
After mathematics, the students had P.E followed by UOI. In UOI the students continued their work on the mystery jacket. They explored the emotions Mustafa must have felt along his journey through a ‘Feeling circle’.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music with Mr. Oliver and UOI. In UOI we finally discovered where Mustafa was from! Ms. Baimas received a call from the police with details and links to the following information:
We were also informed that Mustafa has since bought a new jacket and replaced his passport.

We then had second lunch and recess followed by filing, agendas and story.

Important Information:
- Spirit Day tomorrow for Earth Day, come dressed in Earth colours.
- Bring gardening gloves for Earth Day tomorrow.
- Complete On The Move Interview.
- Return Spring Fundraiser form.
- Protect the Planet letter sent home.

Have a wonderful evening everyone,
Miss Baimas