Thursday 3 November 2016

Thursday, November3

Day 10

Our morning began with mathematics where we continued to explore time. Students used their analogue clocks to show given times. Students also converted analogue to digital time and vice versa.

We then had P.E, followed by individual reading.

After that we had first recess and lunch and UOI. In UOI we focused on developing one of our healthy habits, ‘Exercise your mind’. Students participated in a meditation exercise where they were encouraged to relax their mind and body.

After meditation we completed our healthy hygiene poster and posted them around the school.

We then had second lunch and recess followed by French and agendas.

Important information:
-          Spelling test tomorrow
-          Recite Guy Fawkes poem tomorrow for 1,000 house points
-          Christmas Baskets donation for parent guild

Have a great evening everyone!

Miss Baimas