Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Wednesday, November 30

Day 7

In mathematics the students began by exercising their mental maths strategies. They first completed their ‘Follow me Cards’ activity and beat their time of 3mins 01sec to 2mins and 34secs!

After that they were given a single digit number and had to find their ‘Number bond to 10’ partner (eg. 2 and 8, 6 and 4 ect.)

They then had to find their double partner (eg. 8 and 8, 2 and 2).

We then began to explore how we could use these strategies to solve the addition of 3 numbers.

After mathematics we had handwriting practice. Students were given the Aesops Fable ‘ The Boy Who Cried Wolf’, which we read together and discussed the moral. The students then wrote out the fable in their neatest cursive handwriting.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by music with Mr. Oliver.

After music we had UOI. In UOI we began to explore our first holiday, Kwanzaa. We read the story ‘Kwanza Kids’ and the students recalled the story as a group.

We also continued with our handwriting and began to explore how to draw and label a diagram.
We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and agendas.

Important Information:
- Math test sent home, please sign and return
- Art smock/old t-shirt needed for Friday
- Cultural artifact due Monday
- Report Card response form
- Bake Sale continues tomorrow.
- SJA Food and Toy Drive:

Have a great evening everyone,

Miss Baimas

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Tuesday, November 29

Day 6

Our morning began in mathematics with a recap of our 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 time-tables. We also began to chant the first half of our 6s. The students then tried to improve their class time of 4minutes and 14 seconds for our ‘Follow Me Cards’ game. The students beat their time by 1 minute and 13 seconds!

After that we explored addition and subtraction fact families. Students stated the number bonds to 10 and were introduced to the inverse operation.

After that the students wrote addition and subtraction sentences about groups of items.

The students then went to P.E. with Mr. H. After P.E the students had journal writing where they answered the following question “What is your favourite holiday and why?”

We then had first lunch and recess, followed by UOI. In UOI the students finished their Cultural Flag and presented their information to the rest of the class.

We then had second lunch an recces, followed by French with Mlls. Jessica and agendas.

Important Information:
- Casual Day tomorrow
- Parent-Teacher interview form due tomorrow
- Bake sale continues tomorrow
- Art smock/old t-shirt needed for Friday
- Cultural artifact due Monday
- Report Card response form

Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Miss Baimas

Monday, 28 November 2016

Monday, November 28

Day 5

Our morning began with our mathematics test on the unit ‘Time, Temperature and Money’. 

The students then had P.E. with Mr. H, followed by spelling where they were given their new spelling words (Review of Lesson 7 - 12).

We then had second lunch and recess followed by music. After music we had UOI where the students focused on their Cultural Flag. Using their research from home, the students created a fact sheet on their chosen country.

We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and agendas.

Important Information:
- Spelling words are now written in the agenda.
- Casual day on Wednesday
- Bake Sale on Tuesday and Wednesday this week
- Art Reach on Friday, please bring art smock or old t-shirt
- Cultural artifact due Monday
- Lice Letter sent home
- Report Card response form
-Day Camp info:
- A message from Grade 3:


The grade three teachers will be organizing a food and toy drive this year. Each class will be given two boxes to collect food and toys (please separate). The food will be donated to the Eden Food Bank and the toys will be donated to the CTV News Toy Mountain event. Each child will receive 400 house points for each bag they bring in. Attached is a letter to go home to parents. Please print and send home as soon as possible. 

Have a fantastic evening everyone!
Miss Baimas

Friday, 25 November 2016

Friday, November 25

Day 4

My morning began with a wonderful surprise from my lovely class…

Thank you to the whole of Grade 2 and parents for making my day SO special!!

Today in mathematics the students continued to review time, temperature and money in preparation for our test on Monday.

After mathematics the students had P.E. with Mr. H, followed by their spelling test and agenda.
We then had first lunch and recess, followed by Learner Profile. In Learner Profile, Hayden in Grade2OJ read the story ‘I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato’. 

We then discussed what it meant to be a ‘Thinker’ and to have confidence.

After that we went to Grade 6 to participate in a vote. We had to decide which car was the most visually appealing.

 We then had second lunch and recess, followed by French and free time.

Important Information:
- Report Card sent home
- Math test Monday
-Cultural Flag due Monday
- Parent-Teacher Interview Response form due Wednesday

Have a great weekend everyone,

Miss Baimas 

Ps. Thank you Grade 4!