Day 10
In mathematics the students were given a range of money
activities to complete. Our first activity compromised of counting in pennies,
nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies and tooonies.
After that, the students were given a challenge to try and
make 50cents as my times as they could in 2 minutes.
We then reviewed our work
as a class and realized we could actually use range of coins. The students then
revisited their work for a further 4 minutes and used a coloured pencil to show
their additional work.
Our mathematics lesson ended with Miss Baimas’ Tuck Shop.
Students were given a limit of 1$ to spend and were encouraged to spend it all.
After mathematics the students had P.E. with Mr. H, followed
by spelling where they were give their new spelling words (Lesson 11).
We then had first recess and lunch, followed by UOI and art.
In UOI we reflected upon our learning and completed our KWL chart of what we
have learnt during our ‘Amazing Bodies’ unit.
In art we spent time practicing our shading. Students were
required to use a range of HB pencils to match the shades on the sheet. They
were then challenged to shade a circle to make it appear 3D.
We then had second lunch and recess followed by French and
Important Information:
- Spelling pg. 8-48
- Cursive pg. 48-51
-Science Fair on Thursday
- Math sheets sent home for review, due Friday
- Math sheets sent home for review, due Friday
Have a lovely evening everyone!