Monday 26 September 2016

Monday, September 26

Day 4

Our day began in mathematics with our math test. The students have been working extremely hard the past few weeks on patterning and their efforts are evident in the results of these math tests. Though the papers have not been officially marked, the students’ confidence in the topic is extremely reassuring.

After mathematics the students had P.E. with Mr. H, followed by spelling. The students have been issued their spelling words for the week and had an opportunity to complete the spelling activity in class.

After first lunch and recess, the grade 2’s joined together for a joint lesson on our UOI topic. The students found a partner from another class and sat together on the carpet. We then began a whole year group discussion on ‘adaptation’.  The students were able to confidently discuss how humans adapt to the cold weather here in Canada.

We then watched a video which explored how a range of animals adapt to their surroundings in an effort to survive. After viewing the video they students were able to discuss the importance of adaptation.  Many students identified that animals adapt for food, to build homes, for weather, for safety and to attract mates.

The students enjoyed working with their year group and did so excellently.

Before second lunch and recess, the students were read ‘Dear Tooth Fairy’. We discussed how the child in the story displayed the attributes of an inquirer and a curious attitude.  The students then shared their own experiences on when they have been curious and an inquirer.  
The students then had French with Mademoiselle Jessica, followed by agenda.

Friendly reminders:
-          Grade 2 will be hosting the bake sale tomorrow and Wednesday. We kindly request your support in this event by bringing in baked goods to help us fund-raise for our school. Thank you to those who have already brought something.
-          The ‘Credit Valley’ letter must be completed for your child to attend the trip to Terra Cotta Conservation Area which has already been paid for - thank you!
-          Spelling pg. 13 – 16 due Wednesday.
-          Cursive pg. 16 – 19 due Friday.

Have a great evening everyone!

Miss Baimas