Wednesday 28 September 2016

Wednesday, September 28

Day 6

Our morning began in mathematics where the students chanted their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We also began with a brief introduction to our 3 times tables. Keep practicing grade 2!

We then moved onto looking at numbers and their ‘tens’ and ‘ones’ value (eg. 28 is 2 tens and 8 ones). The students also used ‘Base 10 Blocks’ to assist them.

After mathematics the students had P.E with Mr. H, followed by novel study. As a class we read Chapter 3 of Charlotte’s web and answered the following question: Who would you like to meet in the story and why? Many of the students said that they would like to meet Wilbur as they like pigs.

We then had first lunch and recess followed by grammar and UOI. In grammar the students focused on punctuation and compound sentences. In the first activity the students had to correct sentences by using the appropriate punctuation (full stop or question mark). In the second activity the students had to joining two simple sentences together by using the conjunction ‘and’ to make a compound sentence.

In UOI the students added an entry into their ‘Butterfly Tracking’ booklet and added an entry to their bean record. We then continued with our ‘My Life Cycle’ and used a checklist to ensure we have included all of the criterion.

After second lunch and recess the students had French with Mlls. Jessica and agenda.

An extremely busy day in all!

Important Information:
-          Thank you once more to all parents/guardians and students who has participated in our Bake Sale. We have had so many contributions that we are able to continue selling our baked goods tomorrow. Thank you so much.
-          Terry Fox Run tomorrow. Students are able to wear their gym uniform if they wish.

Many thanks!

Miss Baimas