Wednesday 7 September 2016

Wednesday, September 7

Day 1
Wow, what an exciting first day!
This morning we began by creating their ‘Golden Rules’ for the classroom and ‘Penguin’ was selected as the class mascot. Grade 2 were also introduced to the ‘Star Cushion’ – every Friday a ‘Star of the Week’ will be selected and that student will get to sit on the Star Cushion for the following week.
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The class then had PE (Physical Education) with Mr. H, followed by a tour of the school.

After Lunch and Recess the class had music with Mr. Andrei.

We then came back together and created birthday cards ready for the year ahead. We also wrote important information and reminders in our ‘Agendas’ which should be shown to and signed by a parent/guardian each day, and brought into school tomorrow. Please note that water bottles should be brought to school each day to allow the students to take regular drinks of water to keep them hydrated.   

Within the Agendas, students also have 3 letters:
1)      Welcome Letter – Please find a welcome letter with key information. The final page of this letter should also be completed and brought into school.
2)      Class Trip Letter – Each term a class trip is organized for the students relating to our Unit of Inquiry (UOI). For this UOI: How the World Works – Life Cycles, students have the opportunity to visit Terra Cotta Conservation Area.
3)      All About Me Bag – this letter contains information about a small task where students are required to bring in items from home to share with their peers. This activity will take place on Friday.

We then had second Lunch and Recess, followed by French and House Games.

Finally, thank you to parents for your support on this first day of school. I thoroughly look forward to the year ahead!

Many thanks and kind regards,

Miss Baimas.